Module 1 – Professional Development and Leadership in Simulation Programs Copy


This module will provide learners the opportunity to explore concepts and opportunities for professional development and leadership as a simulationist.

The first half of the module will explore the personal, professional development of a simulationist. Learners will conduct a self-evaluation of their practice as a simulationist and identify areas of strength and areas for growth. Learners will develop an action plan to accomplish goals in identified areas. Learners will be guided by the HSSOBP Professional Development Standard. 

The second half of the module will have a more broad perspective as learners explore challenges and opportunities for program operations and development in their home institution. Learner will begin to develop a strategy for engaging their institution more fully with simulation. Learners will be guided by the HSSOBP™ Operations Standard.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module the learner will be able to:

  1. Develop a personal professional development plan as a simulationist.
  2. Explore the work and career trajectories of current leaders in the simulation field.
  3. Perform a needs assessment of simulation program/activities in home Institution.
  4. Identify one area for change in simulation program in home institution.

Assessment Overview

  1. Write a personal reflective statement about one’s own simulation journey to be shared with course facilitator.
  2. Listen to podcast interviews with simulation leaders (Sim Cafe or Sim Geeks) and share key takeaways with the group via discussion board.
  3. Using the HSSOBP Operations Standard, develop an outline for one area of simulation program development in home institution.


The following timeline outlines the schedule:

Week 1: Professional Development

A. Learners will submit to the course facilitator a reflection on their journey/trajectory in simulation.
Areas to be addressed:
✓ Educational/Professional background
✓ How did they come to be working in/with simulation
✓ Simulation educational experiences?
✓ Significant simulation experiences – good and/or not so good!

B. Listen to a podcast and post to the discussion board your thoughts and reflections on the interview. Course facilitator will help you choose a person that best aligns with your interests/background.

Week 2: Operations

A. Learners will submit to the instructor a reflection on how the operations of their current simulation program aligns with the six criteria in the Operations Standard.
B. Post to the discussion board one idea to integrate one of the Operations criteria into home institution.

Learners are encouraged respond to posting and use this as an opportunity to collaborate and network with other simulationists.

Week 3: Live Session

A. Live chat with author of the Operations Standard and co-author of the Professional Development Standard – Matt Charnetski.
B. Open forum to discuss thoughts on the module.

Experts and Industry Videos

Be sure to check out the Simulation Experts and Industry Corner videos provided.

Materials and Resources


  • Charnetski, M., & Jarvill, M. (2021). Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Operations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 58, 33-39.
  • Hallmark, B., Brown, M., Peterson, D. T., Fey, M., Decker, S., Wells-Beede, E., … & Morse, C. (2021). Healthcare simulation standards of best practiceTM professional development. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 58, 5-8.
  • Schneidereith, T. A., Leighton, K., & Foisy‐Doll, C. (2020, November). Operationalizing a simulation program: Practical information for leadership. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 569-574).
  • Leighton, K., Foisy-Doll, C., Mudra, V., & Ravert, P. (2020). Guidance for comprehensive health care simulation program evaluation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 48, 20-28.

Simulation Culture Organizational Readiness Survey (SCORS)

Podcasts and Interviews